The world's largest peace torch relay. Plus long relais mondial au Flambeau de Paix.

Miles run:

The Canadian portion of the run this year will be on the West Coast and in the Prairies.

La partie canadienne de la course se déroulera sur la Côte Ouest et dans les Prairies.

See our full route here!

What people say

"Sri Chinmoy and the Peace Run, involving so many in over 100 countries, speaks to his legacy and deep interest in world peace.

To the organizers and runners doing this Peace Run, my thoughts are with you. Go Canada!"

The Honourable Jean Augustine, PC, CM, OOnt CBE

The first African-Canadian woman to be elected to Canada's House of Commons and to be appointed to the Federal Cabinet

"I will share with you my hopes and dreams for a true human country that is founded on the values of justice, fairness, inclusion, equality, diversity, and the two basic human rights: the right to be different and the right to belong."

Ovide Mercredi

former National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations

"Peace is the powerhouse of the human race. It holds a whisper of the divine."

Diana Beresford-Kroeger

Internationally renowned visionary, naturalist, botanist, and author

"Our greatest ability as humans is that in times of challenge, we come together....come together to overcome immense obstacles that seem impossible, and accomplish what we set out to do."

Ray Zahab

Athlete, adventurer, educator and speaker

"We know that deep inside your heart that you want to have a healthy, happy and peaceful world. The best way to make it happen is by starting with ourselves by caring for our health and inner peace and becoming the change we wish to see in our friends, family members, and communities."

Dr. Arjun Rayapudi and Dr. Shobha Rayapudi

Founders of The Gift of Health

I think Sri Chinmoy saw children as being an integral part of the Peace Run since day one. It means something so special to them...a lot of the kids that were 9, 10 or 11 years old are now in their forties, and they’re telling their kids, “Let’s go see the torch”.

Carl Lewis

9-time Olympic Gold Medalist
Peace Run spokesperson

I believe that, after touching the Peace Torch and feeling the strength of its creator Sri Chinmoy, something begins, and from there, each of us can be a better person and make the world a better place.

Jorge Pina

Paralympian in marathon

"Peace among Nations will happen when we accept that all of Mother Earth’s people are entitled to be respected and accorded the utmost dignity. If you open your mind and learn about the differences of others you will find a gold mine of wonderful discovery!"

Mi'kmaw Saqmawiey (Eldering) (Dr.) Daniel N. Pa

This is so important. We are with you in upholding peace this way, which brings solace to many people throughout the world. Peace is one of the things that is going to save the world.

President Nelson Mandela

Holding the torch with his wife Graça Machel and Peace Run founder Sri Chinmoy

This run reminds us of why we have come into this world. It proves once again that there is nothing impossible on planet Earth if we join all together, all people and nations.

Olesya Zykina

Russian Olympic medallist

I believe those that come in contact with the Peace Run feel the harmony and take it with them into their daily life, with the desire to keep it present and make it grow. This is the true inspiration and the beginning of all positive change. It is the spark within us.

Joana Schenker

World Bodyboard Champion, 2017

Your work and service to humanity’s causes has a seen, but more importantly, an unseen value that elevates the consciousness of each torch holder, as cumulative heart-hopes bring universal oneness.

Cathy Oerter

Founder, Art of the Olympians

When I held the torch I felt all the good people in the world, and all the peace in the world - combined together in the torch.

Marco, Croatia

8 years old

I have found it very striking and nourishing to spend time with you all — people of different ages, different upbringings, different cultures, but striving in harmony for the same forward-looking goals. My dream is that this message of oneness, transformation and peace will forever thrive and blossom.

Ambassador Davidson Hepburn

President, UNESCO General Conference, 2009-11

When you catch the spirit of what we’re doing, that makes you a torch bearer too - because someone’s load has been lifted by you.

Pat Wright

Founder, Total Experience Gospel Choir
Peace Run Torch-Bearer award recipient

You bring to us a lot of love, a lot of sensation. I almost cry when you run in to our school. We have a world with so many wars and you bring a little faith to us.

Maria, teacher in Mexico

The Peace Run carries this dream: through running we can unite people in the whole world! When I see this torch of the Peace Run, it symbolises hope, love, light and caring for me.

Tegla Loroupe

Former marathon world record holder
Peace Run spokesperson

Sri Chinmoy gave the world the Peace Run with its flaming Peace Torch which I have held many times. I invite each one of you take the torch of peace and run and run and run. Together, we can and together we must run fast, very fast to bring peace to every corner of the globe!

Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Nobel Peace Laureate


O dreamers of peace, come.
Let us walk together.

O lovers of peace, come.
Let us run together.

O servers of peace, come.
Let us grow together.

Sri Chinmoy
Peace Run founder

On April 10, 2014, this poem was translated and read out in 206 languages, setting a Guinness World Record.

Holding the Torch

and making a wish for a better world.