Thank you, Desert Rose Inn, for the complimentary hosting of our men's team! Your outstanding hospitality was much appreciated.

Thank you, La Posada Pintada Boutique Inn, for hosting our women's team! Your location was truly precious, and the hospitality was unforgettable. We deeply appreciate your kindness and exceptional service.

At dawn in the Valley of the Gods, the moon and sun meet briefly, creating a beautiful blend of night and day.

Can you spot our Peace Run vehicles in this picture? Completely dwarfed by Mother Natures magnanimity.

Our good friend and long time past Arizona Peace Run Coordinator, Haryaksha, paid us a surprise visit! He bought us some treats and enthusiastically cheered us on ;)

We were extremely blessed to be welcomed to attend the Memorial Day observation of the Navajo Nation and extend our gratitude greetings to the local veterans of past wars.
Significant numbers of Navajo Soldiers have served in the US Army over the years and continue to. They are most well known for their legendary Code Talkers, who used their indigenous language to create an unbreakable code to transmit sensitive information in the Pacific during WWII. Historians credit the Code Talkers with saving thousands of lives and helping the Allies win the War. Interestingly, Native Americans continue to serve in the US Army at a higher rate than any other demographic in the country.

These local women offered deeply heart-felt peace prayers to our torch and shared with us some of their personal and tragic stories of loss and living with loved ones returning home from service.