Similar to yesterday we began our journey with a short run along Sanur beach.
Kami memulai hari ini dengan lari di sepanjang Pantai Sanur, persis seperti kemarin

Urdhacheta, our official photographer, makes a rare appearence in front ofthe lens.
Urdhacheta, fotografer kami, menampakkan diri di depan lensa.

Our fist stop today was SD 2 Serangan and we were also joined by students from SD 3 Serangan.
Kunjungan pertama kami diawali di SD 2 dan SD 3 Serangan

The children were celebrating the full moon and many were in their traditional dress.
Anak-anak merayakan Purnama dan banyak dari mereka memakai pakaiana adat.

They welcomed us by a captivating performance of the "fisherman dance."
Mereka menyambut kami dengan tarian nelayan.

Some of the audience found a better view from the second floor.
Beberapa dari mereka menonton dari lantai dua.

We were on the road again this time heading for the One Earth School.
Dan sekarang kami menuju One Earth School.

We were greeted by an enthusiastic guard of honor who escorted us into the school.
Kami disambut oleh anak-anak yang dengan antusias mengawal kami menuju sekolah

The school principal welcomed us and shared the founding principles of the school which were very much in keeping with the spirit of the peace run.
Kepala sekolah memberi sambutan dan berbagi prinsip dasar sekolah yang selaras dengan semangat peace run

We invited some of the students to sign the map that has been with us since the Asia-Pacific Run began in Russia.
Kami mengundang beberapa murid untuk menandatangani peta yang sudah ada bersama kami sejak Peace Run Asia Pasifik dimulai di Rusia.

Lastly we planted two peace trees and a lasting reminder of our visit.
Terakhir kami menanam dua buah pohon sebagai penanda kunjungan kami.

Next we visited our dear friend Mr. Herry A. Y. Sikado who serves as General Manager of Angkasa Pura which manages the Denpasar Airport.
Selanjutnya kami mengunjungi sahabat kami Bapak. Herry A.Y Sikado, General Manager Angkasa Pura.

It was Mr. Sikado's birthday so we wished him happy birthday.
Hari ini adalah hari ulang tahun Bapak Sikado, kami mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun padanya.

The statue stands as a welcome to all visitors of Bali.
Patung ini menyambut kehadiran seluruh pengunjung yang baru tiba di Bali