Local supervisor of trail construction David Spurgeon kindly got us back on track when we took a wrong detour, he escorted us to a trail with no construction. David mentioned that God sent him to keep an eye on us. We are enormously grateful. Thank you!

Mayor Danny Sanchez warmly welcomed us and shared with us his passionate commitment to his role in Fremont. He also described the beauty of Fremont, its many activities and how pleased he was to have the Peace Run visit.

We were very happy to meet Coach John Elder, who has made a big impact on the youth of Fremont, coaching and inspiring and motivating them to be the best they can be as athletes and conscious citizens of the world.

Mayor Sanchez is excited to receive our Certificate of Appreciation and artwork by Peace Run founder, Sri Chinmoy.

City Communications Representative, Alenna Schwartz, was following our presentation with interest and admiration. At the end she had a chance to place her sincere wish for peace in the torch.

Thank you Fremont for the warm hearted welcome! Not including our team, pictured left to right are Aiden Webber; Mayor Danny Sanchez; Police Chief Derek Wensinger; Police officers Lucas Villarreal, Tony Olviera and Matt Rannazi, and Coach John Elder.

17 year old runner, Aidan Webber, enthusiastically led the team through the beautiful nature of his hometown.

Police Chief, Scott Dahlgren represented Mayor David Light and welcomed us on his behalf and presented the Peace Run with a Proclamation.