Our first meeting with the students of Irshansk. The runners were warmly welcomed and we met some of the students who ran with us the previous evening.

Thumbs up for the World Harmony Run song. The children love it so much when we teach them the actions for the song.

Thank you so much for hosting the team and feeding the runners with fresh, organic food from the region.

We give a surprise visit to an English class. Rasmivan gets a chance to speak and learn some English.

To Khilchenko Adam Ivanovich - Director of Sport for All in Zhytomyr region for his great contribution of Peace Run in his region.

Meeting of some local children who unexpectedly bump into our runners. It made their day to meet us and hold the torch.

Domashenko Pavlo Pavlovych - Chief of Chudniv district council for great contribution of Peace Run in his district.

Yarygin Petro Ivanovych - Chief of Chudniv district administration for great contribution of Peace Run in his district.

We continue our run through rural Ukraine and every few kilometers the children from the local villages greet us and run out of the village with us.