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The Peace Run most recently visited Zimbabwe as part of the 2019 Southern Hemisphere Peace Run.

Contact: email: abhijatri@peacerun.org

"Peace is not the absence of war....Peace means the presence of harmony, love, satisfaction and oneness. Peace means a flood of love in the world family" ~ Peace Run Founder Sri Chinmoy

Daily Reports from recent Peace Run events in Zimbabwe

The Peace Run team visit Victoria Falls in 2010. Victoria Falls was also dedicated to peace as part of the international Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossoms programme when Sri Chinmoy visited Zimbabwe in 1995.

Charge d'Affaires and acting ambassador for the Embassy of India to Zimbabwe, Mr S. Rajendran and his esteemed wife, both seen here with Gary Stafford, the owner or Kuimba Shiri Bird Park at the re-dedication ceremony for Kuimba Shiri as a Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossom in 2016.

Walkers and runners are all smiles as they carry the Peace Torch at the rededication of Kuimba Shiri Bird Park on the shores of Lake Chivero near Harare in 2016.


Peace Run FAQ

What is the Peace Run? The Peace Run is a global relay for Peace that was founded in 1987 by student of peace Sri Chinmoy.  Since its founding it has visited over 150 countries and runners have carried the torch over 600,000 km. The Peace Run does not seek to raise money or promote any political cause. Its simple goal is to bring forward more peace and oneness in all the peoples of the world. 

How is the Peace Run funded? Runners volunteer and in most cases pay a daily living cost to be on the Peace Run. Sometimes local businesses assist by donating (normally in kind) accommodation, food or transport to the Peace Runners.

Who are the runners? The core team is made up of members of the Sri Chinmoy marathon team from countries all over the world however anyone can join the Peace Run for a few steps or longer!

What do the Peace Runners do? The format of the Run can vary from place to place. In most countries the runners run between 10 and 20 km per day with the torch as part of a relay. Along the way runners visit schools, invite celebrities to bless the torch and make a wish for peace and encourage anyone that they meet along the way to be inspired about a more peaceful world. Because of the limited resources available and great distances runs in Southern Africa have tended to be local runs in key towns and cities.

What is the main message of the Peace Run? The main message of the peace run is very simple: "Peace begins with me!". If I can personally start to try and live a more peaceful life then gradually the world will become more peaceful.

Former South African President Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel hold the Peace Torch with the founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy

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