Čec. 10, 2023 Reportáže z trasy

Providence, RI

Peace Run visited the 48th Cape Verdean Independence Day Festival at India Point Park in Providence, Rhode Island. It was an honor to meet with Cabo Verde Minister of Communities Jorge Santos during his visit to the United States.

Rhode Island State Treasurer James Diossa and R.I. State Senator Sandra Cano with their daughter were happy to hold the torch and share their wishes for peace.

It was a pleasure to meet with Dr. Claire Andrade Watkins a Cape Verdean - American
scholar, award winning filmmaker, and historian.

Len Cabral international storyteller and author.

Mayor Roberto "Bob" DaSilva and Former Mayor Isadore Ramos of East Providence.

Tamisha displays children's artwork.

Mariadaluz with her books of poetry.

We are grateful to the organizers and volunteers for sponsoring this year's spectacular event! Thanks for being a part of the Peace Run.

Členové týmu
Sharika Xavier (Cape Verde).  
Sharika Xavier

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