Thank you, University Plaza Hotel and Convention Center, for kindly hosting our runners and providing breakfast! Let's keep the energy high and spirits even higher!

Running is not just physical exercise; it is a journey through the awakening world, a time of peace.

Their grandmother, Jodi, received a call from her husband that he had spotted us on the way to Aurora, so she quickly picked up the kids and drove down the road with them to find us along the way- we were so happy you could all join us!

Running every day can take its toll. Jozsef went to Lane Chiropractic and Acupuncture for some treatment. Dr. Lane, an excellent chiropractor, helped him overcome some physical challenges.

Mayor Randy Burke thoroughly enjoyed the ceremony and shared messages of peace with all the children.

We love to recognize the incredible teachers whose lives are dedicated to helping kids grow into peaceful and responsible adults!

The Peace Run Team is extremely grateful to Principal Winfrey for her enthusiasm and generous spirit. She really goes the extra mile to help her students become better citizens of the world. We are excited to see you again next time.

The kids show off the Peace Run cards from the countries we have team members from at some stage over our 4 month journey.

We are so proud of all the children for their exemplary kindness, respect, and cooperation, which made the day enjoyable for everyone. Keep up the great work!