The famous fitness barn at the home of Bhavatarini Judy Pearl was busy early this morning with some of the Peace Runners having a workout with the exercise machines.

Bhavatarini very kindly instructed some of the runners on how to use the machines properly and safely.

The walls of the gym are decorated with many friends and students of the late Mahasamrat Bill Pearl and his wife Bhavatarini. In this photo they are with Sri Chinmoy, Founder of the Peace Run, who visited here in the 80's.

An Award Sri Chinmoy presented to Bill Pearl (Mahasamrat) with the lyrics to a song he wrote for Bill almost four decades ago.

Before we left her home Bhavatarini offers us Peace Dove cookies baked and sent by our friend in New York, Aranyani.

Bhavatarini loves animals of all kinds and has these small statues of various animals gathering around St. Francis.

We were a bit sad to leave this beautiful home and garden of Bhavatarini and Mahasamrat with panoramic views of the surrounding hills and valleys.

In the town of Phoenix on the way out were treated to a wonderful breakfast at a favorite diner of Bhavatarini and Mahasamrat, called Debby's Diner.

We are so grateful to Bhavatarini and her friends and daughter and son-in-law who were so generous and kind to us. This photo was when we had to part after breakfast. Some of the other friends and relatives who had joined us had to leave before this photo and we wish to thank them as well for their kindness and oneness.

Egi, from Mongolia, saying her goodbyes to Bhavatarini's sister Paula. We are so glad that she came to be with us and hope to see her again.

As we travel towards Coos Bay, Arpan's brother Giribar, who lives in Oregon, comes to greet us on the road. He was on the very first Peace Run in 1987 and was very happy to share the Peace Torch once again with us.

Arpan gets a few hours off to visit his brother's house on the Pacific coast in Bandon, south of Coos Bay.

Giribar and his wife Linda totally renovated and redecorated the outside and inside of this once abandoned house in Bandon.

We were soon on the road again running with the Peace Torch with a flower-flame in place of a fire-flame for safety reasons in parts of Oregon as we did in California as well.

We always meet peace lovers who love to hold the Peace Torch and offer us their prayers, smiles and wishes as we pass through their communities.

We are also blessed by nature, especially in this Spring season as we run down the roads with nature abounding all around us in every direction.

Udita, originally from Bangladesh, is enjoying her short time with us before returning home to New York.

Papaha came up from San Diego, California to join us until his birthday in Portland, Oregon in a few days. Happy Birthday Papaha.