Our first school of the day was Palm Harbor Montessori. They have a beautiful Sri Chinmoy Peace Garden.

Tilvila, our excellent local coordinator, teaching us in sign language a song by Sri Chinmoy, founder of the Peace Run "Your heart is as beautiful as the rainbow".

Students received the Peace Run with beautiful art work expressing their hopes and dreams for a better more peaceful world.

Amanda Boutchia welcoming the peace runners and explaining the wonderful program students do making necklaces.

A student talks about the program of necklaces made by students as a symbol of peace and kindness to give to others. This way we can share our necklaces to someone else and spread this wonderful qualities from our hearts.

Brahamata showing hers proudly! We can't wait to share our necklaces with our loved ones. Thank you and congratulations to the students for such wonderful gestured.

Taren Ponce, Head of School, receives a Certificate of Appreciation. We would like to thank her for having the Peace Run visit her school.

Students enthusiastically welcomed us playing the World Harmony Run song with their Ukulele ensamble.

After we introduce the Peace Run to students, we invited them to feel peace in their hearts. It's always the best way to start the day, since it's where peace abides in all of us. Once we have peace within, then we can spread peace to people around us.

Arpan in action explaining the guessing game so students can find out which countries the peace runners come from.

Students doing actions following the World Harmony Run song. Having fun running in place. Well done!

During our program, we do skits to show harmony and disharmony between our team members. Students need to let us know if it is harmonious or not. Here they are showing harmony with their thumbs up as the girls help Marina from her fall. Good job!

Principal Brown receives a certificate of appreciation from Tilvila, our local coordinator in Tampa Bay.

They also received a beautiful art work by founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy. We would like to express our gratitude to principal Brown, her staff and students for their heartfelt welcome and enthusiastic participation in the Peace Run.

Tilvila offering a certificate of Appreciation to principal Lisa Brown and a beautiful painting by founder of the Peace Run Sri Chinmoy. We would like to thank her for receiving the Peace Run at her school with such enthusiasm.

Our last ceremony of the day was the Mattie Williams Community Family Center in Safety Harbor. Santiva introducing the Peace Run to students.

It is always nice to have the opportunity to show the Peace Run video as we visit 160 countries around the world. Students and adults always are very inspired by the vision of Sri Chinmoy, the founder of the Peace Run, bringing the wonderful and beautiful message of peace and oneness arriving at their institution.

Tilvila teaching students in sign language a beautiful song by founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy, written on the plaque for their peace tree: "Your heart is as beautiful as the rainbow".

We would like to thank Tilvila, our local Tampa Bay coordinator, for a fantastic day today visiting 3 schools and and the community center. Thank you for all your hard work!!!

Tilvila giving Educational Director,Stephanie Gidden a certificate of appreciation for their enthusiastic participation in the Peace Run.