We received such a lovely warm welcome from the staff and students. They prepared peace artwork which was displayed all around the schoolyard.

At each and every Peace Run ceremony we take the time to close our eyes, breathe and feel peace inside of our hearts.

These talented young poets each read out an original peace poem. The following are some small excerpts from their excellent poems:

The second graders performed a song and a dance, "The Bear Necessities" from Disney's The Jungle Book.

Tilvila, our wonderful organizer for the Tampa Bay area, offered a certificate of appreciation and a painting by Sri Chinmoy entitled "Peace Blossoms in the Heart of Goodness" to Principal Michelle Mason.

Everyone got a chance to hold the Peace Torch which has been held by millions of people all around the world in over 160 countries!

Michele Northrup was the driving force behind this ceremony and we are so grateful for her enthusiasm!

The students were all really good sports and participated in the World Harmony Run song with actions!

Samantha Evans, a grade 8 student was unanimously voted to receive the Torch-Bearer Award for creating harmony on campus.

Vice Principal Carlos Jordan and Samantha together held up Sri Chinmoy's painting entitled "Serve Humanity" which we gifted to the school.