We started our beautiful day in Sri Chinmoy, Victoria Center. Thank you very much Jhalmala for hosting the Peace Run Team.

After leaving Victoria, we travelled from Vancouver Island to Vancouver City, on the British Columbia Ferries.

Cori Williams Holding the peace torch. We were invited to the upper deck and Cori, the chief steward, was our host.

This is our Captain Bob Granley. Bob is a also a pilot like his father, who at 82, is still flying planes. When we introduced ourselves, Bob was very interested in where we where from as most places he'd either flown into or sailed passed. Thank you Bob and crew it was a real privilege to be invited.

After disembarking the ferry we met Bojana and Andrej from Poland living in Vancouver who welcomed us with smiles and refreshments.

We were at the Richmond Nature Park were construction is underway. The friendly workers came out to hold the peace torch.

The LingYeng Mountain Temple in Vancouver is our first ceremony. It coincides with the first day of their celebration of the Water, Land and Air Grand Dharma service. They celebrate for seven days.

Our gracious host Master Shui Fong explained to us what was happening and that we would be walking around the gardens where the Masters, nuns, monks and students were gathering.

Senior Venerable Master Ming Guang came from Taiwan to help preside over the Dharma Service, he received us with his gracious blessings and big smile.

What's a celebration without food? We all were invited to partake in the scrumptious vegetarian meal. Much gratitude to the Linyeng Mountain temple.

Being greeted by the Shaolin temple members. Cherry is holding the torch. They had all been waiting at the door for the runners to arrive.

Master Shi Yandi welcomes us to his temple. The Master came to Vancouver 6 years from Shaolin in China to run the temple.

The Master guides us through a tea ceremony, explaining the benefits and properties of the healing tea. The tea is composed of all the 5 elements.