Next on the program is the inauguration of the Forest of St. Francis as a SRI CHINMOY PEACE BLOSSOM. The Peace Blossoms are landmarks of special significance, mountains and even countries that are dedicated to world peace and serve as a reminder and inspiration towards this noblest goal of humanity.

Special thanks to the lawyer Nives Maria Tei Coaccioli representing FAI (Fondo Ambinte Italiano). FAI are the caretakers of the forest and who decided to contribute to world peace in such a significant way.

Here we are at the next ceremony: Unveiling of the SRI CHINMOY PEACE MILE in Cannara. The Mayor, many officials and many villagers came.

To be frank we have to say that we are kind of used to ceremonies. And we love them. But usually the team runs in and runs out.
Not so in Cannera: We drove in. (Because the run officially ended in Assisi and we already had ran 80k and we were bit late) Then we had the ceremony... And then EVERYBODY ran the one mile that we just dedicated to peace.

It was simply amazing: after running together the spirit of friendship, brotherhood and oneness was so tangible.

When people are peaceful and happy together it makes you realize what a wonderful place this world could (and certainly will) one day become.

To unveil the second plaque!!! Note that the plaques are not the same, but have different birds and different quotes on them.