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There are so many things we can do to make a better world. And when we do those things, we feel happy in our hearts.

You can offer your feeling of peace in so many ways. You can run, of course! But also you can share your art, music, or poems with others.

Important: Before you try any of the activities on this page, please let a parent or trusted adult know. Better still, invite them to help you and share in your project!

Is the Peace Run coming?

If you know the Peace Run is coming to your school or town, we made a short video of things that you can do to welcome the runners....

  • Learn the Peace Run Song to sing with the team when they arrive 
  • Make Peace Doves to hold or display for Peace Run Day
  • Write your Peace Pledges and have them ready to give to the Peace Run Team
  • Make your own Peace torches to hold at your Peace Run Day ceremony
  • Prepare to share your poems, stories or essays at the ceremony, or create a drawing that describes what Peace Means to you
  • Create or prepare a musical piece to perform
  • Create and perform a skit showing the steps to make harmony in your school
  • Get ready to hold or run with the peace torch!

Share your poems, essays and artwork

We are lucky to get drawings, poems and essays from children all over the world, expressing what peace means to them.

Before writing or drawing, take a moment in silence to feel inside your heart what peace means to you. Then try to put that feeling on paper! It doesnt have to be perfect, the main thing that matters is your own honest feeling for peace. Then you can share your drawings with your family, or you can ask your teacher to share with your class.

Art from kids around the world

Peace through Music

Music is perfect for creating an inner feeling of peace inside your heart. You can try this at home, or in class.

  • Close your eyes and listen to some calming, inspiring music. Talk about how the music made you feel.
  • Discuss what kinds of things make you feel harmony. Discuss how you feel when harmony is missing.
  • Draw a picture that shows what happens when there is no harmony. Draw a picture that shows harmony.

How do I create Peace at school?

We can start creating peace by acting with respect and tolerance toward others. We can create peace by deciding that we will always try to solve problems without violence. We can learn how to make peace when problems happen.

These are five steps to think about whenever you get angry with someone:

  1. Stop before you hurt yourself or someone else. Take a deep breath and calm down. Meet with a teacher when both sides are ready.
  2. Each person should talk about how he/she feels.
  3. Find a solution that will make everyone feel better.
  4. Say thank you to your friend for helping to make peace.
  5. Don't expect the other people to create peace first! Lead by example, your friends and family will then notice the ways you are creating peace.


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