Peace Run Song

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The Peace Run Song and World Harmony Run song were composed by Peace Run founder Sri Chinmoy. Even though we are runners, not professional singers, we love to use these joyful songs - they really help infuse our events with the Peace Run spirit.

Feel free to make arrangements, and perform these songs to welcome the Runners when they arrive at your school or event!

The Peace Run Song

The Peace Run song was composed by Sri Chinmoy in 1991. For us, the runners, this song epitomises the spirit of the Run: oneness, joy, harmony and all citizens of the world living as one big family.

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World Harmony Run Song

This song was composed by Sri Chinmoy in 2005. As you can see, it is a short and infectious two-line song, and children love to sing it along with us. Over the years, we have developed a set of actions that go along with the song, so the children can imagine they are running along with us.

The audio recording above is of the very first arrangement made of the World Harmony Run song, almost immediately after it was composed. Sri Chinmoy suggested we add a few things, like whistling, to make the arrangement more joyful and powerful.

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These are some of the arrangements of our Peace Run and World Harmony Run songs over the years - perhaps they will give you some ideas!

Students in Burundi

Listen to students in the African nation of Burundi performing amazing harmonies as they sing their arrangement of the Peace Run song.

NYC Housing Authority Youth Chorus

Arrangement of the World Harmony Run song composed by Sri Chinmoy, performed at the global launch of the Run in New York.

Peace Run Medley

Arranged by Paree Atkin and performed by a choir that includes many of our Peace Runners, this is a medley of the Peace Run and World Harmony Run songs composed by Sri Chinmoy, as well as a homage to Narada Michael Walden's original Peace Run anthem (see below).

Instrumental arrangement - Violin, Viola, Cello

A classical arrangement of Sri Chinmoy's Peace Run Song arranged by Shamita Achenbach from Vienna and performed by her family, who are all musical geniuses!

More Peace Songs!

Original Peace Run Anthem

This song was composed in 1987 - the year the Peace Run started - by Grammy-Award winning songwriter and producer Narada Michael Walden (seen here holding the Torch and his Torch-Bearer award). Before Sri Chinmoy composed the Peace Run song in 1991, we used this as the Peace Run anthem.

More songs on Peace by Sri Chinmoy

Besides the two songs above, Sri Chinmoy composed many other beautiful songs on Peace which have been arranged for voice and choir, such as these two songs - A New World of Peace and A Moment's Truth.

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This performance of A Moment's Truth was arranged by Austrian musician Parichayaka Hammerl.

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