The majestic Cadiz Courthouse is the backdrop for the meeting between the Peace Runners and Mayor of Cadiz.

Anna and Ruslana offering the torch to a very nice passer-by on the way to her Sunday meeting. She was touched by the message "Peace begins with me".

Ruslana runs 2 miles at a time. Every steps is for Peace. 'Every step for Peace Is a God-manifestation-victory' -Sri Chinmoy

A group picture outside Bridgeport City Hall. The police officer is ready to escort Peace Runners to get to the next destination.

Salil presents the Peace Run to the congregation at St Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bridgeport.

Robert, (Bob), Weaver received the Peace Run Torch Bearer Award. He has been a strong community member for more than 50 years. Bob was a barber and business owner since he was in his twenties. He is a faithful member of St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church. As a church member, he has served as council president, church treasurer, Adult Sunday School teacher, Sunday school superintendent, elder, deacon and all-around constant helper. Those who know him agree that he is very deserving of this award!

In the meantime, the women's team joined the congregation at the Christ United Methodist Church led by Reverend Jake Steele. Harita presented the Peace Run and introduced the team members.

These lovely people are all from several different countries in Africa. Here each one is pointing out where they are from on the map. We wish we could take them all on our team!

The womens team then split up into two groups. The morning runners are coffee lovers. Who says you can't have a Peace Run ceremony at a coffee shop? Local coffee lovers enthusiastically greet the runners at the local coffee shop holding the torch of peace, love and harmony.

These locals artisan builders are renovating their homes and came out to say hi as we were waiting in their driveway for the runner. They are so excited to hold the Peace Torch. They are amazed as they looked at the map carefully and wishing us all safety and happiness on our home-stretch journey.

Our last meeting took place in Dr Mary Atkins' backyard. Her husband Bob Atkins cheerfully greeted everyone in front of their house.

Dr Mary Brady-Atkins, 96 years old, sharing her life story; her work as a trail-blazing scientist, clinical psychologist and University Professor; and her great respect for the legacy of Thomas Jefferson. She also shared her active daily routine which is her secret of incredible youth and mental sharpness.

Peace Run Executive Director, Salil Wilson, introduced the Peace Run to our hosts. On this very special occasion, Dr Brady-Atkins received our Peace Run Torch-Bearer Award for her hearts dedication to a life of great inspiration, truth searching, and service to humanity.

Dr Brady-Atkins was happy to receive our award and we were greatly honored and inspired by her! We were also very happy to meet her husband, Robert Atkins.

Gianluca honoring the meeting by giving a copy of Listen to Nature along with a collage book with many Peace Run pictures around the globe.