Good morning Wooster :) Thank you Heidi, Cali, Brandi and Journi from Comfort Suites for welcoming our runners and providing accommodation for us in this lovely place.

Our first stop of the day is Ashland City Hall where we received a warm and heartfelt welcome by Mayor Matt Miller. He spoke of the value of peace in his life and in those of the citizens he is serving.

Mayor Matt Miller holds the Peace Torch and offers to the Peace Run a proclamation in the name of the Great City of Ashland. We offer him our Certificate of Appreciation for his enthusiastic participation and for receiving the Torch in the name of the city.

Before bidding farewelll to Ashland, Mayor Matt Miller offers his sincere hopes and wish to the runners for success and safety on their journey to New York. Thank you for this inspiring meeting and for all the goodwill you shared. We will carry it with us across the US.

Gianluca from Croatia runs 2 miles. He passes the torch to Mahasatya who continues the relay run towards Apple Creek OH.

Anya from Russia, on the girls' team, starts running the second leg of today's route; from Apple Creek to Strasburg, OH.

We spotted many sunflowers along the way, which, like the Torch, brightened our day. Holding the Torch is Virangini from the USA.