To begin the Peace Run in Palau the team was joined by our host, Orchid from the Department of Schools – the department that organised all the school visits for today.

Koror Elementary School was the first school today, only a few hundred metres from our team’s accommodation.

Harashita Sunaoshi from Japan, introduced the Peace Run to the school.
With only 5 of the team we needed help from the students and had 6 students come up to hold both the Peace Run banner and also the flags.

The students all loved the guessing game and we were so impressed that they guessed all of our countries correctly.

The Principal Mayleen came up to receive the Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of the school, before forming into a few large circles for all the students to hold the Peace Torch.

One student was selected from each grade to come up and run on behalf of the school around the grounds three times.

... Meyuns Elementary School.
Arriving to the school, looking out over the ocean took all of our breaths away.

Meeting the students in the Cafeteria, Harashita once again spoke about the beginning of the Peace Run.

Abhejali Bernadova from Czech Republic and Harashita demonstrated what it was like to be peaceful and not so peaceful, in two fun skits.

Otis Davis from the USA presented the Certificate of Appreciation before all the students filed out to hold to Torch.

Once the students had taken their moment of Peace with the Peace Torch, we all made our way to their sports ground...

This school welcomed us with a dance routine. One of the students came up to start with and introduced it, saying in part:
“…with the deep words being sung by the artists, we sense peace and love that we hope will spread all over the world, thank you…”

... taking a moment of Peace both with their hands on their heart and spreading the joy of living in Paradise to all the corners of the world.

All the teachers were called up to have a photo with the Peace Torch before running around the students, giving everybody there so much joy.

Following the teachers’ example, the senior three grades of the school took up the Torch and ran it around the Hall.

They lent their voices to sing the World Harmony Run Song and took great joy in learning the actions.

Ms Theresa Iliau, one of the teachers, came to receive the Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of the school.

Talking to the students we heard so many of them loved to run and could not let that opportunity go by.

We gathered to run down their sports field and back. With all their enthusiasm it was a fast joyful run.

We gathered one more time to have a group photo. The students then had to leave and go back to class. Taking a moment to speak to some of the team, Harashita learnt that some of them were fluent in Japanese!

Her Excellency Ambassador Hyatt kindly welcomed the Peace Run team to the US Embassy. Taking the time to learn about the Peace Run and our activities in Palau she kindly in turn spoke of her time here in Palau and spoke in such a heartfelt way that I believe the whole team took away a stronger feeling of love for Palau that has already grown over the last few hours in this beautiful hidden treasure.
Orchid our kind host for the day then took us 'under the bridge' where many people swim and also where the team will be going on Sunday.
Looking out over the clear ocean on a perfect day was an ideal ending to our day’s activities.

This evening the team went to the Independence Day Night Market, to experience the Palauian way of life, meeting many wonderful locals and picking up some local food for the next few days. This is one of the many activities that is planned in the lead up to their Independence Day Celebration on Monday.

We arrived after dinner and the MC kindly allowed us on stage to speak about the Peace Run and invite all the people there to hold the torch, and come to the Public Peace Run event tomorrow morning at 5.30am!

The girls team spent the next hour and half walking around the Market with the Peace Torch while everybody came up to hold it.