
Peace Run Team Ny Austrian Forest Schools5 Indonesia Runners

These are just a few of the highlights we have been fortunate to experience over the years....


Pope Francis lights the torch of to begin the European Peace Run for 2024. Read our report.


After an almost two year hiatus we were eager to once again be able to share the Peace Run on a larger scale. In Europe there was a relay along the River Danube starting in Germany at its source and visiting nine countries finishing in Moldova.


At the beginning of the year, the President of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, very graciously hosted the team at the Presidential Palace to launch the European Peace Run on what was supposed to be a seven month, 18,000 km journey. (We had to stop the Run after a couple of weeks, due to the pandemic)


Southern Hemisphere Peace Run - A remarkable journey encircling the globe in one continuous route. We visited all 44 countries with capitals in the Southern Hemisphere. More...

Sri Chinmoy Peace Week: A week-long cornucopia of events in Palermo, Sicily dedicated to peace: art exhibits, concerts, poetry, lectures - and of course the Peace Run linking it all together. More...

Colours of Peace: For the second time, children's drawings from around the world were exhibited in front of the Colosseum in Rome. This time, the ceremony was shared with the world through more than 700 articles in the international media. More...

USA: Seattle also hosted their first Colors of Peace exhibit.  Over 1300 works were on display from 11 Seattle area schools with 200 works from the international collection in Rome, Italy. Attendees included 14 members of the Washington State Consular Corp on behalf of their countries or origin and representatives from three US Congressional offices. More...


Colours of Peace: Peace Drawings collected by children around the world and exhibited for the public in a ring around the Colosseum in Rome. This event was organised by the Peace Run, in association with and supported by numerous Italian government agencies.

The event took place on September 21st, to coincide with United Nations International Day of Peace. In total, 7,000 peace drawings from children from 39 countries were exhibited at the Colosseum.


Pope Francis blesses the Peace Torch in Rome in St. Peter's Square.



Peace Torch presented at European Parliament, and to the President of European Parliament.


On February 8 we were received by the entire leadership of Timor‐Leste, to hold the torch and dedicate a statue of Sri Chinmoy on the grounds of the national parliament.


A Moment's Peace ceremony is held in London to mark the 2012 Olympics

Dr. Nebojsa Stefanovic, the Speaker of the Serbian House of Parliament, officially welcomes the European Team to National Parliament in Belgrade.


President of the General Conference of UNESCO Dr. Davidson Hepburn offered a message for 25th Anniversary of the Run and a vision for the next decade 2012 to 2022 and beyond.


Africa has hosted many Peace Run events over the years. Enjoy this sampling of events from Zambia in 2010.


The first Torch-Bearer award was presented to nine time Olympic Gold Medalist and Peace Run spokesperson Carl Lewis. Since award has been presented to Heads of State, humanitarians, musicians and athletes - but also countless members of the community who have dedicated their lives in the service of others. Find out more about the Torch-Bearer Award ›

For the first time the Peace Torch was carried around the entire continent of Australia. The Peace Torch also visited the North Pole.


Finish of seven-month European Peace Run at European Parliament in Brussels with President of European Parliament.


Peace Run in Caribbean visits 11 nations, meeting 4 heads of state


After a four-year hiatus Sri Chinmoy began Peace Run events, this time under the banner of the World Harmony Run. He also composed the World Harmony Run song, which we still use in our events today.

We used the World Harmony Run name up until 2013, and from then on used the original name: Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run.

On April 15, 2005 the evening before the launch of the World Harmony Run Sri Chinmoy composed the "World Harmony Run" song. You can listen to it below. Download the score here.


In 1999 a year long continuous relay linked 42 European countries. The core team comprised 90 runners, some of whom ran the entire year.


Nelson Mandela, President of South Africa, holds the Peace Torch with founder Sri Chinmoy. To date over 55 heads of state and government have held the torch.


Cosmonaut Gennady Strekalov takes the Peace Torch into space! He brought it aboard the Space Station Mir (which means peace in Russian) and presents the Peace Torch to US astronauts.


Pope John Paul II received the torch from Peace Run founder Sri Chinmoy at the Vatican in Rome.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II used the Peace Run Torch to light the first of 1800 Beacons of Peace across Great Britain as part of the 50th V.E. Day Celebrations.


Mother Teresa meets with Sri Chinmoy in Rome on October 1st and holds the Peace Torch.


First ever relays linked Egypt and Isreal (1991), Egypt with Jordan and Israel (1993), Egypt with Jordan and Palestine (1995). An historic relay linked all four countries in 1999.

Sri Chinmoy composed his own Peace Run song on March 12, 1991 in New York City. Listen to it below sung by some of our Peace Run team. Download the score here.


The Peace Run visits Antarctica, which means that the Peace Torch has now been on all seven continents.


On April 27th 1987 the inaugural Peace Run launch was televised live across the US and internationally on the Today Show. Clarence Clemons, Carly Simon, Narada Michael Walden joined Peace Run Founder Sri Chinmoy and hundreds of excited spectators to take the first steps for peace at the World Trade Center in downtown New York. Enjoy this video which traces the development of the Run over the years.

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