This morning we started our day at Kay park where the Peace Run meet with State MP Russell Northe MLA, Member for Morwell, a fellow marathon runner with an impressive time of around 3.30. He welcomed us to Traralgon and wished us well on our journey through to Melbourne.

A short 600m rum from Kay park brought us to Grey Street Primary School, meeting grade 5 and 6's. They all had fun learning the Peace Run song and all the school captains came up to receive the Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of the school. Their Principal is also an avid runner: it seems everyone we have met in this area is a great runner.

Having taken a moment to run around the school grounds with the students we soon departed to run into Trafalgar. We split the team into three to cover the distance.

A selection of Peace Pledges prepared for the occasion by students at Warragul North Primary School.

At the end of the day in Warragul we met with Federal MP Russell Broadbent, State MP Gary Blackwood and a representative from the Shire Council.