Pratyaya, our most gracious host, shares the Peace Torch with our running team before our Peace Run through parts of the beautiful city of Ottawa.

Gautami and the women's team lead the way to the Rideau Canal where we would run most of the morning.

Baladev with torch and Jagadhata lead the way in this section of the beautiful Riduea Canal running route.

Salil, Executive Director of the Peace Run, causes a stir with a local duck as he carries the Torch.

The Annual Tulip festival was in full bloom as we enjoyed many colorful gardens of beautiful tulips.

Some of the locals were interested in our Peace Run and offered their goodwill and wishes for Peace.

One of our songs offers the audience an opportunity to participate in our presentation of peace and harmony.

Three of our Peace Runners enjoy this beautiful day in the park along with the crowds who came to celebrate the flowers, the sun, peace and harmony.

Arpan leads the way for a while on the way back to central Ottawa where would run to the Jharna-Kala Art Gallery for a function there.

On the way we passed by a cool fountain where we stopped for a little refreshing moment on this very warm spring day.

Salil addresses the group at the beautiful Jharna-Kala Art Gallery as we meet with some friends from the Intercultural Dialogue Institute (IDI).

Nargiz Neda Babashli speaks to us about the inspiration and goals of her organization (IDI), which includes education, building a dialogue between different cultures and offering assistance to those in need.

Holding the Peace Torch with our Peace Run team are Ozgur Sanli, Neda Babashli and Ozgur's two children Enes and Dilara.

Our Peace Run team sang our Peace Run theme song for them and a very uplifting 'Thank You' song, both composed by Sri Chinmoy, the Founder of the Peace Run.

Enes will be starting his last year of high school and speaks with Utsahi St. Amand, a professor at the University of Ottawa, about universities in the area to attend.

Dilara, a sixth grader who seems years ahead of her young age, speaks with Gautami, one of our local Peace Runners.

This beautiful art gallery of paintings by Sri Chinmoy was a perfect setting to meet such wonderful guests.

Prapti offers roses and gift bags with gratitude to our distinguished guests. Their Intercultural Dialogue Institute shares many of the same principles as the Peace Run. Both non-profit organizations wish to promote friendship, respect and mutual understanding among people of all cultures and faiths through dialogue, partnership and sharing of our differences as well as our similarities. IDI as well as the Peace Run grew out of the need to address the question, "How can citizens of the world live in peace and harmony?" We are very grateful to them for coming to share their valuable inspiration and helpful ideas with us.