Past events

Peace Run Team Ny Austrian Forest Schools5 Indonesia Runners

You can read about some of the worldwide highlights in our 35+ year history here...

Past events in Canada:


Oneness-World International Youth Project

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Eastern Canada

Peace Run Canada 2018 (Vancouver, BC


Peace Run Canada 2017

Peace Run Canada 2016


June 27 - August 7, 2014


Ottawa - October 7, 2013


West Coast: April 20 - May 8, 2012

Tofino - April 20, 2012

Earlier events

 (in 2013 in Canada, the World Harmony Run returned to its original name)  To see more events, inspiring stories, videos and photos from the road please visit our Canadian World Harmony Run 2005 - 2013.


The Peace Run is a global torch relay that symbolizes humanity’s universal aspiration for a more peaceful world. The Peace Run is humanity’s largest and longest grassroots effort for peace.

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Be part of the Peace Run in your area

Schools and Youth

Some great ideas for teaching young people about peace.

Torch-Bearer Award

A special award given to people of inspiration.

International videos


Latest reports from Canada - 2024

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Latest reports - around the world:

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