It's important to be called Dražen! :) Croatian Peace Run veteran Dražen Vassung greets Dražen Cesar, Head of the Department for Sports and Recreation in Varaždin, who helped organize our first meeting today.

It was the last and easy day on the Peace Run, with not so many meetings so we had time to enjoy friendship and running at an easy pace with our friends from the Athletic Club Varaždin and the Running Club SRD 315 SJEVEROZAPAD.

We are happy and grateful that Varaždin is dedicated as a Sri Chinmoy Peace City! In so doing, Varaždin joins the international family of Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossoms, significant and inspiring lanmarks, cities and countries, whose purpose is to inspire the citizens of the world with the ideal of peace.

The fort called the Old Town is the most important Gothic-Renaissance complex of monuments in Varaždin, builted between 14th and 17th century.

It was time to say goodbye to our friends. Thank you for running with us! We really enjoyed your friendship and hospitality! We hope to see you again soon!

Special Thanks to our executive director of Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run for many years of suport of Croatian Peace Run.

The Mayor is a sportman himself. We continue running together towards bridge which connects two countries, Croatia and Slovenia.

Today this bridge is officially dedicated to the goals of peace and goodwill amongst people and nations. It became a part of Sri Chinmoy International Peace-Blossoms family. This Sri Chinmoy Peace Bridge joins over 900 such sites dedicated to peace worldwide, including bridges, gardens, trees and trails.

World friends together! It was difficult to get everyone on the group picture. Luckily they all fit in our heart!