Team is entering into the Ivo Andric School, a school both our runners Amur and Časlav went to as little kids... It is a beautiful coincidence that the first person we saw- and the person our torch bearer is looking at right now- is his German teacher. Having grown to almost double the size, the teacher could not recognize him at first, and was both shocked and happy, seeing her student after all those years...
Tim ulazi u Osnovnu Školu Ivo Andrić, školu koju su naša dva trkača Amur i Časlav pohađali kao mali dječaci... Prelijepa je slučanost da prvu osobu koju smo vidjeli- osobu koju u ovom momentu gleda trkač sa bakljom, je njegova razrednica i nastavnica Njemačkog. Razrednica ga prvo nije mogla prepoznati, i bila je u isto vrijeme šokirana i srećna što je vidjela svog učenika nakon toliko godina...

The School Principal Željka Opačić, telling students how proud she is to welcome now grown up students of the school as Peace Runners...
Direktorica Željka Opačić, dok govori učenicima kako je ponosna što dva bivša učenika ove škole sada trkači Trke Mira.

The Principal being awarded the Torch Bearer Award for her sincere and enthusiastic efforts to bring the lessons of peace and love to her young students...
Direktorici je dodijeljena nagrada Nosilac Baklje za njen iskren i entuzijastičan trud da svojim mladim učenicima prikaže lekcije mira i ljubavi...

The Principal insisted that Amur and Časlav sing along to the song that the school choir was singing, but since they did not know any of the words, a very spontaneous NA NA NA was blasting through the speakers
Direktorica je insistirala da Amur i Časlav pjevaju pjesmu kojoj nisu znali riječi, tako da je mikrofonom brujao spontani NA NA NA

Sublime 4-part choir performances, plays and poetry, the Ivo Andric students have really showed us their amazing capacity...
Nevjerovatni 4-glasni horski nastupi, predstave i poezija, studenti Ive Andrića su nam zaista pokazali svoj neverovatan kapacitet...

After School, the Team ran around the City Centre, spreading the message of Peace with happy smiling people
Nakon škole, tim je trčao po centru grada, šireći poruku Mira sa nasmijanim srećnim građanima

Even though this lady could not understand a word (we could not figure out where she is from) she took the torch, and gave us a beautiful smile.
Iako ova gospođa nije mogla razumijeti ni riječ (nismo mogli prokužiti iz koje zemlje dolazi) prihvatila je baklju, i uputila nam predivan osmjeh.

"Peace is the most precious thing in the world. Please, let all the people of the world know that. I just want Peace, Peace, Peace and Peace." - Anonymous street-shop owner
"Mir je najveće bogatstvo svijeta. Molim vas, prenesite to svim ljudima svijeta. Samo želim Mir, Mir, Mir i Mir." - Anonimna prodavačica na pijaci

This man is Dragan Blagojević. He had approached us at the bazar asking in Bosnian: "What is this?" After we explained the Peace Run he said that he too used to run with a torch in the Yugoslavia when he was a young boy. We asked him to hold our torch but he refused, saying he would get to emotional... Then we insisted and as he took the torch, his eyes slowly filled up with tears... It seemed as if time had stopped for all of us. He told us what an honor it was to hold this torch, but we knew that the honor was truly ours...
Ovaj čovjek je Dragan Blagojević. Prišao nam je na pijaci i upitao: "Šta je ovo?"
Nakon što smo objasnili Trku Mira, rekao je da je i on nekad trčao sa bakljom u Jugoslaviji kao mladić. Zamolili smo ga da pridrži baklju, ali on je odbio, rekavši da mu je previše emotivno... Nakon našeg insistiranja primio je baklju, dok su mu se oči polako punile suzama... Činilo se kao da je vrijeme stalo za sve nas. Rekao nam je kolika je čast držati ovu baklju, ali mi smo znali da je ta čast zaista naša...

We are arriving at Gimnazija Banja Luka, a Highschool both Amur and Časlav went to as teenagers...
Stižemo u Gimnaziju Banja Luka, srednju školu koju su kao tinejdžeri pohađali obojica Amur i Časlav...

Handing out the Jharna-Kala painting and the certificate to the Deputy Principal Danijela Štrbac Uletilović- just moments before she said what a problematic student I was...
Poklanjanje Jharna-Kala slike i sertifikata Zamjeniku Direktora Danijeli Štrbac Uletilović- par momenata prije nego što je rekla svima koliko sam loš učenik bio...

Časlav's ex English teacher and trail runner Milena Jujić with her students
Časlavljeva bivša profesorica engleskog i trail trkačica Milena Jujić sa učenicima

A boy called Sava is leading the team into the Sveti Sava Elementary School, the school Andrea used to attend as a young girl.
Dječak Sava nas uvodi u Osnovnu Školu Sveti Sava, Školu koju je kao djevojčica pohađala naša trkačica Andrea.

We were all deeply touched by the kids performance of a song called: The Children of Heaven. The song starts with a verse: "We are the children of Heaven, of the Heavenly Father. All that we are and all that we have everything is given to us by God. Soul and body, and a little heart, all just to love Him, with our entire Being.
Svi smo bili duboko dirnuti dječjim izvođenjem pjesme pod nazivom: Djeca neba. Pjesma počinje stihom: Mi smo djeca Neba, Oca Nebeskog. Sve što smo, i što imamo, sve nam je dao Bog. Dušu i tijelo, srce maleno, da ga bićem cijelim uistinu ljubimo.