Cze. 29, 2017 Live from the road

Lancut - Zamosc

Reported by Shaivya Rubczynska 131.0 km

29.06. We run to the City Council in Przeworsk, together with local runners.

29.06. Biegniemy do Urzedu Miasta w Przeworsku z miejscowymi biegaczami.

The Mayor of Przeworsk greets us at the City Council.

Burmistrz Przeworska czekal na nas przy Urzedzie Miasta.

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Local runners and Peace Run runners leave Przeworsk.

Ekipa Biegu i lokalni biegacze wybiegaja z Przeworska.

Happy running in nature.

Radosne bieganie na lonie przyrody.

Lubow, a Polish runner from Cracow.

Lubow, polska biegaczka z Krakowa.

A fly and a butterfly!

Famous Polish butterflies.

Synne polskie motyle

Picking fresh blackcurrants ....

Janek conquers the hills of Roztocze, the sanctuary of nature.

W gore i w dol wzgorz Roztocza, parku przyrody.

After running through a sudden lightning storm we have a meeting at the City Council of Zamosc, the biggest city of the region and the historical centre of East Poland.

Spotkanie w Urzedzie Miasta Zamosc, najwiekszego miasta regionu, historycznego centrum Polski wschodniej.

The Mayor of Zamosc, a runner herself, receives the Torch.

Burmistrz Zamoscia trzyma znicz.

The veteran sportsmen and sportswomen of Zamosc.

Grupa weteranow sportowcow z Zamoscia.

Zamosc also has young and promising sportsmen.

Zamosc ma takze mlodych, obiecujacych sportowcow

The Mayor kicks off her shoes and leads us in a lap of the gymnasium!

the Mayor of Zamosc runs with PR Torch.

Burmisrtz zamoscia biegnie ze zniczem PR.

Sharing experiences

Po ceramonii swobodna wymiana zdan.

Thank you to the Sports Arena and the city council for welcoming us and also providing accommodation for the night and breakfast in the morning.

PEACE on the route.

PEACE na trasie.

Some strange birds...

Jakies dziwne ptaki...

...and beautiful views.

i piekne widoki

Paramanyu runs to the sun.

Paramanyu biegnie ze sloncem

Romantic runner Luiza from France

Romantyczna biegaczka Luisaz Francji

The meeting at the festival of folk music in Kocudza, a little village near Zamosc. This lady recently celebrated her 80th birthday and kindly treated us all to coffee.

Spotkanie na festtiwalu muzyki ludowej w Kocudzy, malej wsi kolo Zamosc. Starsza pani poczestowala nas kawa.

And water for the non-coffee drinkers!

Running to the musical festival with the head of the village of Kocudza.

Biegniemy na festiwal z wojtem wsi Kocudza.

This is the first of seven folk festivals celebrating traditional music from the region - the festival is called "CROSSROADS"

Folk violin from Kocudza.

Ludowe skrzypce z Kocudzy

This gentleman is the link to a generation of great folk musicians

I miejscowi malowniczy muzycy.

The lady on the right is wearing the costume of the very popular Polish Eurovision entry in 2012. The ladies who sang came second - and the leader of the group comes from this village!

Passing the Torch in Kocudza.

Przekazywanie znicza w Kocudzy

The local intsrument 'suka" from Kocudza.

Miejscowy instrument "suka" from Kocudza

The young generation are learning the folk tradition and learning the traditional folk instrument - the Suker.

We returned to Zamosc for pizza in the town square.

Torch carried by
Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Dmitriy Shadrin (Russia), Drsalu Grünstäudl (Austria), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Luiza Haritom (Romania), Paramanyu Lebedev (Russia), Shaivya Rubczynska (Poland), Shyamala Stott (Great Britain), Sravana Novikova (Russia), Svetlana Perevozchikova (Russia).  
Paramanyu Lebedev
The torch has travelled 131.0 km from Lancut to Zamosc.

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