Our day began at Victoria Albert School, where our local Peace Run coordinator, Purnakama, teaches music and French. The team couldn't resist trying out all of the instruments in her classroom!

Shishir, a longtime Peace Run team member and Winnipeg local, introduced the Deputy Premier of Manitoba, Uzoma Asagwara, who is also Minister of Health, Seniors and Long-term Care. They kindly attended the ceremony on behalf of Wab Kinew, the Premier of Manitoba.

"The message of peace is really important. All of you who are here today, all of you kids, are so important in terms of the message of peace that we bring to our communities. So, beyond the Peace Run today, can all of you make us a promise? Can you promise to keep that message of peace going every single day moving forward?"

We thanked Deputy Premier Asagwara for being here and offered them an art plaque by Peace Run founder, Sri Chinmoy, entitled "World Harmony".

Preetidutta (New Zealand) asked the children for some synonyms for peace. A few words that came up were: "friendship", "love", "being quiet", "kindness", "happy", and even "recycling".

During every Peace Run ceremony we make sure to have a quiet moment to feel peace inside of ourselves, in our own heart. This is where it all starts.

Pavaka, our team member from Montreal, was interviewed by CBC Television and Radio-Canada in English and in French.

Hastakamala (Australia) and Oliveria (Mexico) are ready to spring into action! Photo credit: 8-year-old Vlad.

Nayaja, our Italian team member, is celebrating her birthday tomorrow! As long as coffee and running are involved, she will be satisfied.

The next stop was the "Sri Chinmoy Peace Mile" in Assiniboine Park. The plaque invites those that read it to join in the global peace initiative by dedicating their walk or run to peace.

Shishir gave verbal directions to our team members who usually rely quite heavily on GPS, do you think we can make it?