This afternoon we were deeply honoured and grateful to meet the President of Malta, His Excellency George Vella at the presidential residence, San Antone Palace, in Attard, Malta.

European Peace Run Director Devashishu opened the program by sharing with us some history of the Peace Run as well as introducing Peace Run founder Sri Chinmoy and his untiring life of service to the world family.

Eric Petersen editor of "Light and Liberty" a book of Thomas Jefferson's writings spoke about Sri Chinmoy's long and storied relationship with the beautiful country of Malta.

Our choir performed two songs Sri Chinmoy had composed for Malta. The words to the songs are:
"Malta, O Superpowers’ fondness-nest, You bring to the fore every nation’s very best. In you, the world faiths have found their oneness-choice; In a smallness-body, earth-illumination-voice."
Sri Chinmoy composed a second song for Malta inspired by the motto of the Malta Tourism Office, the lyrics are: “Malta, where the sun shines from the heart. Malta, divinity’s perfection-start!"

Marc Voelckner, Director of the Peace Run in Malta, shared the wonderful history of the Peace Run in Malta as well as our plans for the coming days.

Violetta Angelova, our Peace Run Director from Bulgaria, spoke about her experiences in presenting the torch to Pope Francis in Rome.

Peace Run Executive Director Salil Wilson introduced our Torch-Bearer award which recognizes, honours and celebrates individuals who have dedicated their lives to bettering the lives of those around the.

Dr. Agraha spoke about about the President saying in part, "Indeed, Your Excellency Mr. President, you represent in your very being the kindness, compassion and self-giving of all Maltese people. You and your fellow citizens “bring to the fore every nation’s” and every human being’s very best! And for that we are eternally grateful to you and immensely proud of your supreme achievements!"