Thank you to Bev and everyone at Moss Vale Village Park for accommodating the boys team. After a good sleep and a breakfast of muesli, fruit and fried eggs, we are ready for another day of running across the vast land of Australia.

Nirjharini manages two cafes in Oslo, Norway. Today, she is leading the team into St Paul's Catholic Primary School in Moss Vale.

All the children enjoy watching a 5 minute film that has been put together to show the Peace Run around the world.

To give a clue as to which country our Australian runner, Ashadeep, comes from, she bounds across the floor like a kangaroo. One young man in Class 1 puts his hand up with such enthusiasm and says, "Wallaby". It is fascinating to the runners on the team, that around the world, children all know that a Kangaroo comes from Australia.

If we are going to change this world, we will have to learn to love this world - so stretch your arms out as wide as possible as if you were trying to embrace the whole globe!

In our presentation we ask the children where peace starts from. Universally they reply, "The Heart". We, the runners, often remind ourselves why we are running - we all have a dream of Peace in our heart.

The Principal Mr Donald O'Brien says some very kind words to the runners. He then invites all the children to take the opportunity to hold the torch and share a prayer for Peace.

The four leaders at the school, Lily, Lucia, Jessica and Aaliyah lead a run around the school field.

After the first 10 kilometres we were blessed with a lovely deserted gravel road, with wildlife all around us. With 16 kilometres on this road we all got to run on the red earth of Australia and enjoy the cool morning air.

Our man from Brazil is back on the road. The temperature is relatively cool this morning - 19 degrees - excellent running weather. WE are running down some very quiet back roads heading in the direction of the capital city: Canberra.

The children all receive some Peace Run magnets. Everyone says they will put their magnet on their fridge, except one young boy who says, "No. I will put it in my pocket!"

Nirjharini meet a very enthusiastic Jazib who was returning from work and couldn't believe what he was seeing slowing down and asking questions before pulling off the road to hold the torch. He lives in Canberra and was happy to hear we would be there tomorrow. He meets us at our final running point for the day and provides a perfect end to our running.