The team members introduce themselves; having everyone guess which countries they come from. This time, the Slovakian continent of our team only had to give one hint, for a change.

Richard Lee Rose, who received the Torch-Bearer-Award in 2012, eloquently presented Jeff Vandergeest, President of the Senior Citizens Association and Treasurer for Yahk-Kingsgate Recreation Society, with a Torch-Bearer Award of his own.

In addition to holding these two positions, Mr. Vandergeest remodeled and improved many aspects of the Community Center including installing beautiful flower beds around the building, replacing the wheelchair ramp, designing a new pavilion and amphitheater and helping to build a library. He fundraises, organizes festivals and puts in countless hours of unpaid work.

The following is an excerpt from Mr. Rose’s speech:
“Some seek to gain as many benefits from their society as possible while others work as tireless volunteers to improve their community. Today we wish to consider an individual who has demonstrated his on-going desire to bring about the most improvement possible in the community of Yahk-Kingsgate… He not only sees where something is needed but also inspires others to join him in doing the work.”

After the formal proceedings, we were offered an incredible meal, lovingly prepared by the Yahk-Kingsgate Recreation Society.

Judy, the talented cook responsible for the famous borscht soup, shares her lunch with a young Peace Runner.

Thank you to Judy and the entire Yahk community for providing inner and outer nourishment for our journey.

The Kimberley North Star Mountain Village Resort kindly offered our runners extremely beautiful and cozy accommodations for the evening.

Manager Lisa Oldenburger and Shari Leyte, Guest Services Coordinator, hold the torch before we depart. Thank you for giving us such a wonderful place to stay and for your kind encouragement!

The following is a poem that Richard Lee Rose of Yahk, BC wrote for the Peace Run in 2012:
Peace-My Opinion
By R. Lee Rose
Peace is more than the mere absence of war,
Or the result of politicians signing a treaty.
Peace is much deeper than the silence in a battlefield
After the fighting and carnage has ended.
Peace is more than the quietness in the cemetery,
For that stillness is mingled with loss and regret.
True Peace is freedom from strife and fear,
And from contention of every kind.
While Peace does not demand conformity,
It still promotes harmonious living.
Peace lives in the hearts of its inhabitants
And is nourished by trust and acceptance.
Peace can not be legislated into existence,
However, legislation can destroy it.
Although it is desired and sought after,
Peace is not a natural state for mankind,
The ways of Peaceful Living must be learned.
Let us honor those who promote the ways.