elo 2, 2022 Live from the road

Nordkapp - Repvåg

Reported by Lauri Tervo 80.0 km

Nordkapp sun sets first time in summer at midnight

This year the spectacular Midnight Sun was first to greet the international Peace Run as it’s journey was about to start as far north as possible on the European continent - The North Cape!

The special Peace Torch flame was there burning bright while passed between various citizens and visitors from different countries. The first who received it and wished it welcome to this special place was Mayor Trudy Engen during a ceremony in morning sunshine on August 2nd.

From then The Peace Run team continued it’s route through the most unique Nordic districts of Norway, Finland and Sweden! All international runners participating will for certain tell you that these are really special districts to visit - that includes clear air, pure energy and bright colorfull light!

Also during the dark half of their year when daylight is resting - the sky may there get painted by the magical Northern Lights. Local people also have sincere respect for both each other, visitors and the elements of nature.

At the official ceremony in front of Alta Cathedral of the Northern Light the next afternoon, Tine Klevstad was wishing the Peace Torch welcome on behalf of the City. Since she is both a City Council member and a well accomplished marathon runner - she also participated in the team during the Peace Run route the next morning. Actually then completed over 12 km! Longer than first planned, but to speak along the way to the long distance runners, including the running coach on the team also gave her great ideas for coming races!

During the ceremony program also CEO Kjetil Johansen gave advice and shared his experience from Offroad Finnmark, which is also called “The longest and toughest race in the world.” Another multi faced athlete there was Gottshchalk Daniel, recent winner of North Cape 4000.

Two other participants who also shared their experience, had actually just biked all the whole way from Italy; as new founders European Peace Ride 2022. It’s truly great to see other people’s similar engagement for peace and friendship in our world!

Along with them was participant Ashprihanal Pekka Alto speaking, since also record-holder of the world longest race 3100 Mile Run ( 5000 km), this became a rare ultra-expert meeting!

Shinja Beate Moeller at Midnight

Anita Boaich

Ashprihanal Pekka Aalto contemplating the first North Cape sunset in this summer

Setting sun blessing the Peace Torch

Nordkapp/ North Cape

Reached the northest point in Europe, North Cape 2,000km from the North Pole

Agnieszka and Lilu enjoying the first sunrise after 2 months long day

Peace Run Team with the Mayor Trudy Engen

North Cape Mayor Trudy Engen receiving the torch from the Team Captain Josef Sverma

Udayachal, Neelabha and the statue pointing where the lost Nord Kapp can be find

The sea water is crystal clear

The landscape is truly spectacular

Running coach Josef Sverma shows his top notch style

Ashprihanal Pekka Aalto, ultra distance runner warming up

Mystical nature

Hey, wait for us! We want to join the Peace Run!

Iiris Nuuja concentrating before her run

Torch carried by
Agnieszka Sarzynska (Poland), Anita Ramljak (Croatia), Anne Leinonen (Finland), Ashprihanal Pekka Aalto (Finland), Iiris Nuuja (Finland), Josef Swerma (Czech Republic), Kamaniya Palmer (Sweden), Lauri Tervo (Finland), Lilu Lähdesmäki (Finland), Neelabha Šenkýřová (Czech Republic), Shinja Beate Moeller (Norway), Udayachal Šenkýř (Czech Republic).  
Lauri Tervo, Lilu Lähdesmäki
The torch has travelled 80.0 km from Nordkapp to Repvåg.

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