Kate Bishop, a member of the Chula Vista Board of Education, met the Peace Run team at the school entrance and carried the Peace Torch into the full-school assembly.

Dr. Codrington, principal of the school, spoke to the assembly, followed by two students reading out their statements of peace. Everyone in the assembly took a few minutes to focus on the peace they feel in their heart.

Student Council president Maverick Pereyra spoke eloquently on the meaning of peace and encouraged his fellow students to “Go above and beyond every day to demonstrate peace.” Every student wrote down a brief statement on what they feel peace means—and pledging their own commitment to peace. Additionally, they created artwork on the theme of peace.

These statements and artworks were then put into a time capsule to be buried on the school grounds and opened in 2073! We included our Peace Run brochure also.

Next up was a 5th grade performance honoring Pacific Islander heritage: Boys did a form of Hula/Maori Haka dancing and girls did a traditional Tongan dance.

Kate Bishop with two student Torch Bearer award recipients, April and Ricky. Mrs. Bishop spoke about peace and community (and quoted Yoda on "May the 4th be with you" day!)--and mentioned the importance of inclusion, kindness, courage and connection. She emphasized that the children need to teach grown-ups how to demonstrate these qualities!

Dr. Codrington (Principal) and Kate Bishop (member of Board of Education) hold a Certificate of Appreciation and a painting by Sri Chinmoy entitled 'Hope" presented by the Peace Runners.

A proud father, (who also taught the students the Pacific Islander dances), looks on as his daughter holds the Peace Torch.

Thank you Fahari Jeffers Elementary- we were deeply inspired by our visit your school and look forward to coming again!

CVESD District Superintendent Jessica Morales spoke about the celebration of peace, contributing kindness, and making peace part of your character.

A big thank you to 5th graders Maura Duenas, who read out one of Sri Chinmoy's poems on peace, and Matthew Herrera, Andrea Morfin and Charlotte Luque for sharing their peace visions and poetry with us.

Delilah Mays and Matthew Herrera received the Torch-Bearer Award for exemplifying kindness, goodness and a service spirit to all. Keep it up- the world needs more people like you!

School psychologist Angela Cerda received the Torch-Bearer Award for her untiring service to the children.

Funnily enough, when Angela was called up she was holding a preschooler who had fallen asleep in her arms- so adorable!

Mr. Robert Hemingway, who was videoing our event, received the Torch-Bearer Award for his many years of self giving service. He spoke beautifully about promoting peace in the community.

We offered our Certificate of Appreciation and an artwork by Sri Chinmoy to Loma Verde School Principal, Bree Watson.

Thank you Bree for your super enthusiastic welcome to The Peace Run- we hope this is our first visit of many!!!

We called up the teachers to recognise the significant role they each play in cultivating a world of peace.

In the evening, Noble Learning hosted a Hold the Peace Run Torch event for the public. Noble Learning is a shop offering inspiring, uplifting products as well as free meditation classes.

Long time Peace Run supporter and Pilgrimage of the Heart Yoga founder, Sujantra, stopped by to hold the torch.

We were so happy that our dear friends and long time Peace Run supporters, , Mother and daughter pair Laurel and Jennifer, came by to show their support!

The event featured a photo exhibit of the runners carrying the torch in a range of scenic and interesting settings from around the world over the years.