Today after all the Peace Runners put in their miles on the road, we drove into vibrant, friendly Minneapolis. Many runners' favorite post-run activity is to jump into a cold lake. There are so many to choose from in this "city of waters"!

Pransukh has been on the North American Peace Run for 3 months--never too tired to give a peace sign!

We stopped into this shop (for drinks, not bait) and the friendly owner (Red) and staff member (Jennifer) were excited about the Peace Run and the opportunity to hold the torch.

Oliveria was delighted to meet Ariana. These two Mexicana ex-pats immediately launched into conversacion amistosa y emocionada!

Most people never expect to come across a peace torch as they go about their daily life--but are happy and inspired when they do!

We stopped for coffee on the drive into Minneapolis, and Oliveria got into a conversation with these two twins (and their mom) who were playing in a basketball tournament across the street. Hopefully the peace torch brought them good luck!

We were greeted in Minneapolis by the local coordinator Yuyudhan, who was delighted to treat the team to a delicious Vietnamese meal and gourmet ice cream. The last time the Peace Run visited was 2018.

Hello to three new team members who will begin their Peace Running in Minneapolis and finish in New York: Edgars from Latvia, Gianluca from Croatia, and Dalibor from Slovakia.

We also welcome two additional new arrivals joined the team: Ruslana from Ukraine and Anya from Russia.

Harita was happy to meet local peace lover, Betty, who proudly stood by her (Betty) Boop number plate. She loved the message of the run and was happy to share that she gets great joy from volunteering at the local senior home 5 days a week, as well as cleaning her church, which she has been doing for 30 years. She then laughed, adding that she herself will be turning 90 next month! What an inspiration!