Čer. 22, 2016 Live from the road

Veltrusy - Žatec

Reported by Ondřej Mocný 72.0 km

Children in Veltrusy welcomed us during their sports day.

Děti ve Veltrusích nás přivítaly během jejich sportovního dne.

Trying to see more clearly.

Snaha přečíst, co je napsáno na banneru.

Symbolical run around the world.

Symbolický běh kolem světa.

Selected students then set off with us towards the chateau in Veltrusy.

Vybraní sportovci pak s námi běželi směrem k Veltruskému zámku.

The Veltrusy chateau.

Veltruský zámek.

In Nova Ves, the Mayor Martin Exner, a runner and world traveller himself, welcomed us most kindly and sincerely.

V Nové Vsi nás velmi srdečně přivítal starosta Martin Exner, sám také běžec a cestovatel.

His sincere welcome we quote here because it expresses very precisely what the Peace Run is about.

"Dear runners, dear visitors, dear friends,
It is great honour for me to welcome you in our village Nova Ves, which means simply New Village. I would like to welcome you as sportsmen, as long distance runners, but above all as people from many nations, who are by sport supporting and carrying the idea of peace and respect between nations.
I think that the opposite of peace is not war; the opposite of peace is hatred. And unfortunately these days in the world there is too much hatred against anything which is different. Against different people, different nations, different religions, mostly against anything unknown. And unknown things create fear. Fear creates hatred.
Your Peace Run is not just a run; it is more of a social event. You are visiting many foreign countries, meeting many foreign people, but after the Run the countries will not be foreign anymore. The people will become your friends; by knowing you; you by knowing them. So this unknown thing between people will disappear. Any kind of a visit to foreign countries and meeting local people leads to understanding and mutual respect. After visiting different foreign countries you quickly recognize that everywhere in any nation there are many good people and, like in any nation, some not so nice people. So you start to look at that particular person not based on the nationality and prejudices, but based on personality. And this is the best prevention of hatred.
The best way to have contact with the locals is to walk, run or cycle throughout any country and to depend on the help and hospitality of locals.
I have traveled a lot. I have met a lot of nice people in Europe, in Asia as well as in South America. Therefore I feel that I got a lot from the travels and that I owe a lot to the travellers I will meet in the future.
So it is really my great pleasure to welcome you as friends and honourable visitors. Thank you for visiting our village.
Please enjoy small refreshments prepared by the members of the senior club of our village and enjoy a small performance of the children and the teachers of our nursery school.
I wish you good running further on and wish you to meet many nice people. Let the peace will spread over the world and over the minds."

Jeho uvítání tu uvádíme v (anglickém) originále, protože opravdu přesně vystihuje myšlenku Mírového běhu.

Members of the senior club prepared great cakes for the team.

Členové seniorského klubu pro členy týmu upekli úžasné koláče.

Small kids get colouring books from us with pictures of the Peace Run.

Malé děti od nás dostanou omalovánky s obrázky běžců s pochodní.

Yummy cakes.

Koláčky po chvíli nezbyly žádné.

Thank you all in Nova Ves!

Děkujeme všem v Nové Vsi za vřelé setkání!

For some there is never enough coffee.

Pro některé není nikdy dost kafe.

Sometimes it's good to have some privacy.

Někdy je dobré mít trochu vlastního soukromí.

Sportsmen from Velvary showed us the way to the school.

Sportovci z Velvar nás vedli do školy.

We had older audience than usual, but everybody was still very curious about the Run.

Měli jsme starší publikum než normálně, ale i tak všechny náš Běh zajímal.

A reporter-runner from the Quality Life magazine.

Reportérka-běžkyně z časopisu Kvalitní život.

Later on smaller kids joined in.

Později se k nám připojili i menší.

So we couldn't avoid having little games with them.

Takže jsme nevynechali příležitost pro malou hru.

Mayor of Veltrusy.

Starosta Veltrus.

Old volcanos in the distance.

V dáli České středohoří - bývalé sopky.

Entering school in Louny.

Vbíháme do školy v Lounech.

Later arrivals.

Pozdní příchod na ceremonii.

Misses teachers.

Paní učitelky.

In the school garden there will be a Peace Tree just by the running track.

Ve školní zahradě bude také růst Mírový strom.

Colouring books may be popular even with slightly older kids.

Omalovánky nejsou jen pro nejmenší.

We finished by having a small race against the kids.

Zakončili jsme všechno malým závodem.

And the reward - an icecream.

A za odměnu - zmrzlina.

Homemade motor-powered bike.

Samodomo motorové kolo.

It was an easy running afternoon.

Bylo to pohodové běžecké odpoledne.

Trying raw hops.

Zkouška kvality chmelu.

Approaching Zatec a group of very excited runners joined us.

Před Žatcem na nás nedočkavě čekali nadšení běžci.

Even though it was late afternoon already, we still had last program for the runners.

Na náměstí jsme ještě v podvečer měli poslední program.

Mrs. Mayor of Zatec.

Paní starostka Žatce.

Local TV interview.

Rozhovor do místní televize.

Zatec - a beautiful town where we stay overnight.

Žatec - krásné městečko, kde dnes přespáváme.

Torch carried by
Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Danica Cernakova (Slovakia), Layamut Tehrani (Iran), Libor Bednařík (Czech Republic), Michaela Zdenkova (Czech Republic), Nipura Ingram (Cook Islands), Ondřej Mocný (Czech Republic), Paramanyu Lebedev (Russia), Rasmivan Collinson (Great Britain), Sandro Zincarini (Italy), Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov (Moldova), Tereza Přecechtělová (Czech Republic), Uddipan Brown (New Zealand).  
Apaguha Vesely, Libor Bednařík, Paramanyu Lebedev, Sandro Zincarini, Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov
The torch has travelled 72.0 km from Veltrusy to Žatec.

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