The Peace Run Team visited DAV Sushil Kedia Bishwa Bharati School in Lalitpur City this morning. It was super inspiring to see almost 1800 students lined up in the assembly ground and to have their enthusiastic participation in our Peace Run event.

The Vice Principal of the School welcomed all the Peace Runners in a traditional way offering a silk Khata to each team members.

The school assembly started with the students reciting Prayers of the Lord Budhha and Gayatri Mantra. They also recited very beautiful quotes on Peace and Harmony.

Gautami from Canada very beautifully spoke about the Peace Run.
She showed Peace Excercise which all the hundreds of students and even the teachers who were present followed. There was absolute silence for the moment which was amazing.

This Group of students surprised us as they sang the Peace Run song composed by Sri Chinmoy with such perfection. They had learned it specially for this event.

These students performed Shanti song for the Peace Run Team. The words and their singing was exremely beautiful.

Principal of the school Mrs. Bhuvaneswari Rao generously thanked the co-ordinator, our international runner and the whole Team for the opportunity to host the Peace Run event.