We ran to the Dedham Community House where we gave a presentation to a summer camp of a few dozen kids, which will expand to over 200 next week when the schools are out. For this gathering, there were almost more camp counselors than kids!

Arpan started the "Peace Train" with his mouth harp train whistle. The first lap was very slow and controlled, complete with bridges.

The kids still had energy and eagerness to keep running, so we recruited a spry camp counsellor to outrun the kids and wear them out.

Many of the cousellors are college students who spend their summer with the younger kids at the day camp.

Part of our team was welcomed in Walpole MA by School Superintendent Dr. Bridget Gough, as well as town administrator Jim Johnson along with other school and city officials. This group really impressed us with their enthusiasm about meeting the Peace Run and their love and dedication to Walpole. They are all wholeheartedly dedicated to serving their community and proud of their town.